There are various things in our everyday lives that we sometimes take for granted. Most of us pay a great deal of attention to our health and wellbeing, from the tops of our well cared for heads to the tips of our, toes? Is that truly correct, or are we all guilty, even slightly, of neglecting an essential part of our bodies that literally carry us through life; our feet!
If you don’t already have your feet regularly pampered and pedicured at your favorite beauty salon, take just a little time to consider the amount of wear and tear you subject them to, every day. In many cases, we don’t give too much thought to their well-being, except to complain if a pair of new, high fashioned shoes is not fitting properly. Therefore, can you wonder if you suffer from feet that seem to be often tired, with hard skin and even yellow tinted toenails?
Standing on a beauty asset
Give some consideration to the fact that very often; one of your most precious beauty assets is confined in your shoes for most of a day. Now, keeping in mind that the skin protection on the soles of your feet is about 20 times thicker than the skin on other parts of your body; does it not deserve some special, caring attention, such as pedicured feet? Added to this is the fact that fungal issues usually occur between the toes and beneath the toenails and therefore, caring for your feet is an extremely important part of your beauty maintenance program.
For those who tend to ignore or forget their feet also need attention during the winter months, they have the option of receiving care, treatment and having healthy, attractive feet all year round. Expertly pedicured feet are an enhancement to your overall appearance and condition, as well as being an encouragement to display them as part of your personal public presentation. If you are someone who is conscious of their everyday appearance and determined to maintain your appearance at its very best, then you will understand there is not a substitute for the highly trained expertise, techniques and care of a professional pedicurist and the general treatment you receive in Beauty Salons of repute.
Following the initial process, your nails will then be filed to a shape of your choice, but it is usually recommended that you keep to the natural shape of your nail bed for the best results.Your beautician will file the nails in one direction to avoid splitting or weakening them and generally from the outside towards the inside, designed to avoid splitting your nails. The next treatment stage for your pedicured feet once the beautician is satisfied with the nail shaping will have your feet placed in a large bowl of hot water, usually with oil or moisturiser added to the water. This treatment will help rehydrate your skin and you will be able to enjoy a short period of relaxation soaking your feet in the comfort of your beauty salon!
Your pampered feet assets
During the soaking of your feet,the beautician may gently remove any waste skin that has softened up and treat you to a skilled exfoliating foot care scrub to ensure the removal of any stubborn skin. To re-hydrate your feet, your pedicurist will apply a generous layer of moisturiser. This could include a lower leg and foot massage, which, is a highlight of your complete pedicured feet experience. In certain instances, your feet could be wrapped and placed inside a hot shaped mat, to help the moisturiser penetrate. However, it must be kept in mind that various pedicurists do prefer different treatment procedures
After your beauty salon pampering, it’s time to care for your toenails, with attention given to the cuticles and perhaps additional filing of your toenails to ensure they are perfect. Then it’s decision time for you regarding the colour preference for your nails. Similar to a manicure, for the best results,be certain the colour you select matches your skin colour or enhances your lip colour. You can now face the world, looking great and feeling comfortable with your rejuvenated and stylish looking pedicured feet!